Her casual teasing made him crave her every night and couldn't stop.
- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
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รักการแสดงของพระนาง เคมีเข้ากันอย่างยอดเยี่ยม❤👍
非常支持王凱沐, 努力、加油、拍多短劇
王凱沐 啊! 還是原音 演出! 點讚先 !❤❤❤
Wang Kaimu is a master in the art of acting, and handsome❤. The on-screen chemistry was amazing with his leading lady. Congratulations to all involved in the making of this enjoyable drama ❤.
Secret crush plot. Not the nicest secret crush plot, but I just love seeing this actor when he's not playing a scumbag. Though he seems to play quite a few times the ml who is chasing FL and takes some beating for it 😂
👀 Worth watching
1:14:05 Never seen Wang Kai Mu so cute & adorable before.....
The durian husk on his head is making me laugh so much!!!
😂😂😂 his like a puppy😂😂😂
i enjoyed this! i love seeing Wang Kaimu in this kind of role of a loving ML. Recommend!
Me too!!! He has been on a role lately!
ชอบพระเอกคนนี้ แสดง ถึงจะไม่ได้หล่อสะดุดตา แต่เขาดูบุคคลิกอ่อนหวาน อ้อนเป็น
This is my second time watching the FL ,the first one was with Zhen Zi Qi .She can act really well😊😊
my favorite ML. so handsome also FL she is pretty ❤❤❤
Спасибо любимому каналу за предоставленную возможность смотреть прекрасные дорамы❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ С любовью Россия.❤❤
I really like the story so much.... Wang kaimu and quan shuxian together were so great and have a good vibes... Please give more some story like this which is so interesting to watch❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Спасибо за дораму. Интересная. Актёры красивые. Молодец главный герой не бросил девушку. ❤
Love the actor as acting the best every drama. Well done
May i know the FL name
She is really beautiful 🤩!! From Chicago with Love❤❤
Hi, back, from Chicago!
Que história linda emocionante e apaixonante 😍😍😍😍 chorei com este final😭😭😭😭😭 Amei do inicio ao fim ❤❤❤❤
Watched it less for the romance and more for the friendship between ML and his bestie. Best friend stole every scene he was in, kudos!!!!!
É um bom drama com o dos meus atores favoritos ele é excelente muito amor entre os dois ele nunca esqueceu essa menina bonita um pouco de violência mas não muita foi bom 💝💝
He is one of my favorites to watch and listen to!!!
LOL! The gay best friend is hilarious. I hope this has a good ending. This male lead is one of the better ones although he still needs to spruce up some of his acting. He's charming in this one.
I agree! You'd think there was a man shortage, the way these dramas always show women fighting over one guy!
gostei da istoria ele é muito lindo mesmo com todo respeito e lindo
Love this drama so much much more ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
That stalker girl was creepy 🤦🏽♀️ ML is handsome & sweet ❤ FL is pretty. Drama is good 👍🏼
thich quá lại có phim của nữ chính đống nữa rồi haha cảm ơn kênh nhiều nha 😊😊😊 yêu kênh nhất
This Ml really look like Jerry Yan at a glance but anyways he looks handsome with acting skills .
More like Shawn Dou,I think.
My favourite ML, always handsome. I couldn’t forget when I bumped him in Hongkong ❤❤
Best Actor 👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I like this FL because i've watched her drama before especially the ancient drama 😂..but i dont know her name 😁
i like this actress, she is pretty ❤
Nice drama great acting by ML
El actor es bello, atractivo, lindo... Trabaja bien❤
Nice romantic drama 👍. Nice couple too 👏👏👏. I recommend this drama 👍. Anyone knows the name of actress ? She is good 👍
La storia e top.... bellissima 💕💕💕 personaggi grandiosi....mamma gran finale, per salvare e stato un gran gesto.... loro due impeccabili
1:45:11 When they say, "I'm doing this for your own good," they are not doing good at all.
suka cowoknya...❤❤❤❤
Qué lindo amor qué hermoso drama excelente él actor tiene un encanto múy personal ya lo vi en varios dramas actúa muy bien la actris muy bella isieron un buen y bonito drama excelente mucho amor tenía él por la chica siempre la amo todo lindo bonito 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👌🏻💕💚💕💚🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘💚💕💚💕💚💕
Worth a watch. ML and FL are good actors and have pretty good chemistry but she's a bit daft. She just keeps believing people and getting kidnapped and assaulted and why did she blame the ML for her father's death? Not his fault the girl loved him or his mother's a psycho. Also what the heck happened at 1:30:57 ? Did the old bf assault her? It's missing a big scene
I was wondering the same and if it did happen then her reaction is a bit off afterwards even when the ex bf visited her in hospital so I think it didn't really happen as she might have warned him recording (later she says to ml she has evidence so...)
Fl used the term harassed (hopefully this is the right translation), so maybe nothing further happened, only àn attempt to assault her.
I had a laugh of my life when the people chased them😂😂😂
感覺 整部戲 都對感情不信任。
It alway nice hearing Wang Kaimu's talking
Г г супер и он тоже молодец😅😊❤❤❤❤❤
Hal agyú csaj, de Quan Shuxian jól alakította!🤩 Wang Kaimu, mint mindig most is tökéletes úriember volt.🤩 Élvezetes volt.😍
Wang kaimu n senior hand some good acting
главный актер очень нравится . Он со всеми партнершами химичит!
Really nice drama ❤❤❤❤❤
19:39 o primeiro beijo deles que fofo ele pedindo ela em namoro 😂😂😂esse e o pedido de namoro mas doido 😅😅😅😅ele pedindo ela em namoro quando ele diz que ela não se lembra dele e esta arrumando a camisa 😂😂😂😂😂46:34 😂😂😂😂😂ela elogiando outros homens na frente dele e ele tendo ataque de cuimes 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅1:06:31 o segundo beijo deles que fofo ele ja ta com fogo esse beijo demonstra que ele sentiu saudades dela e da boca dela 😂😂😂😂😂que fofo😅😅e vão pra cama e conversam sobre se casar como assim ele quer casar com ela eles ainda não tão namorando 😂😂😂😂😂e ja tem a primeira vez deles foi muito rápido 😂😂😂😂😂😂que doideira 😅😅😅1:11:18 uma idiota jogou ela de propósito no sênior e o protagonista viu junto com duas mulheres e ele não esta com cara boa não ele esta com cuimes da pra ver só pelo olhar dele eita cacede mexeu com a namorada dele 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂1:22:55 o protagonista vai dizer pro público que ela e sua mulher como assim ela ja não era 😂😂😂😂e depois eles saíram do salão de festas e ele já fez a proposta de casamento e ela aceitou logo e agora são um casal que fofos mas são muito apressados desse jeito aiai 😅😅😅😅😅1:31:04 o que o protagonista tem 😅😅ele desligou tudo na casa só pra fazer o que com a protagonista 😅😅😅hummm e eles começam a briga sobre o chefe dela e ele parece não confiar nela e ela se separar dele e entrega o anel e ela ta querendo chora e fica triste coitada 😢😢e ela vai embora e ele tenta explicar a situação pra ela sobre tudo ele agarrando ela pra não irembora coitados 😢😢1:38:17 eles se reconciliaram e agora ele chama ela de esposa como assim esta tão desconexado😅😅😅2:08:47 agora eles se separaram denovo e ela terminou com ele e colocou o anel na mesa e deixou o apartamento que ela morava coitada sofreu muito com a morte do pai e descobri que seu marido sabia da história da verdade e que a mãe dele que causou isso ela que matou o pai dela nossa que horror 😢😢
Me gustó la historia, el actor principal es super varonil y encantador s ella la he visto en otras producciones...es muy dulce, mi critica es al calzado femenino... porque siempre son zapatos feos 😂😮
Este actor me encanta con su belleza imperfecta, que interesante!! 😊
Like this actor
Новый фильм с Ванг Кай Му. Прекрасен. Остальные с ним пересмотрели уже по 7-10 раз.
Toujours pas traduit en français svp merci
Зачем так портить свою жизнь из за мужчины который не обращает внимания . это так глупо . всё-таки наши люди более разумные . хотя психопатов везде хватает .
男主深情又帥 ,尷尬的是原來寫情書的是別人,知道真相時會不會覺得阿娘喂!
О, Боже!!!! Главный герой потрясающий, очаровательный, сексуальный мужчина . Ван Кайму какой же он харизматичный. Какой же он талантливый. Ему удаются все роли.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Мне всегда смешно, когда после попойки, просыпаясь в кровати, они всегда смотрят под одеяло, интересно что они там могут увидеть, если ты раздетая или одетая, это ведь и так понятно??!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Ну пьют у них женщины, это просто жесть. Пьют так, что их могут забрать кто угодно и куда угодно, они и не вспомнят. 😂😂😂😂😮😮😮😮
Неплохо, неплохо 👌. Стоило посмотреть.
Esse ator é muito competente ❤
Maravilhoso filme!
Не пойму,почему девушки пьют,как не всебе? Пьяная женщина,она становиться доступной. Случай был ,бабушки на оавочке рассказывали,а мы подслушали,напилась девушка и попала к негодяям,они её износиловали. Ведь женский пол слабее даже одного мужчины,а если козлов много,это страшно. Я этот случай запомнила на всю жизнь и детям рассказывала,пьянки до добра не доводят. Мне повезло,что у меня аллергия на алкоголь ,но и плохо,мой муж иногда выпивал,для меня это как серпом по его.....
So he was willing to be with her when she thought she killed two people but when she found out he was the son of her father’s murderer that was too much for her?!? Bit hypocritical.
Que lindo am oi r grasias por compartir
She was told not to go out but she still went out
Traduction en français svp merci
As a director I would always choreograph my female actors in assault scenes as real as possible to the way the character and story requires. If the character is fighting back, then it will always be a real fight back. To have a woman do that type of scene and act like she is only swatting at a flotation device instead of fighting for her life is so disingenuous and tells me all I need to know about a director and that environment. It is fight or flight, and while there is a spectrum for them and how women react, any true creative tries to get it right because it is so important. Their overuse of scenes calling for women to be assaulted plus the way it's always played says so much about the
consciousness on the matter.
1:16:44 She dare to say she tried her best or whatever, but didn't tell the girl what was going on. She's nothing but a scheming opportunist in the guise of a manager.
1:26:00 It's wrong to hit people who aren't attacking you. The minute that changes, all bets are off and I value your life as much as you value mine. Her statement here makes me not feel any pity for what's coming her way. She the type to get abused and go back for more.
1:48:30 And her statement here just ended any positive thought I had left for the story.
ML's Assistant is good looking!
All short C-Drama couples bury their mom or dad in the same plot and use the same tombstone in the same countryside setting. It's like they can't afford the graveyard, so they just use a regular garden plot for all C-Drama moms and dads.
Мать умирает с одного удара, а в других дорамах, беременной бьют прямо в живот несколько раз , она жыва и ребенок, чудеса 😂
Rapaz lindo o de óculos ❤
I did not like the ML’s friend I think he was too clingy and made everyone misuderstand
Вообще то, большие кланы, семьи, где много братьев, сестер, приемных детей, незаконнорождённых - это гадюшник, где каждый путем интриг, мошенничества и даже убийства, хочет занять главное место в семье, а значит получить все деньги семьи. Все из-за денег.
es enserio nesesito la traducción xfavor ahora que no entiendo nada gracias
Wang KaimU 🥰
The female lead is not beautiful, I just want to see the handsome main character, Wang Kaimu❤
xfavor nesesito la traducción xfavor en español latino ahorita
Good and adorable ml and strong fl make a cute couple with some passionate kissing - but lots of scheming get in the way of what could have been a much cuter drama - at least the bad people get punished - happy end 😄❤
Who's the sml?
Bagus, tidak ada kesalahpahaman yg berlarut-larut. Ceritanya lumayan, gak yg cerita pada umumnya